English Defence
This book is devoted to the paradoxical opening 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6. By playing White immediately wants to punish the ‘disturber of the peace’ for his neglect of opening principles, but in this case Black sets his opponent such a variety of mines and traps, that he can gain an advantage, even omitting the equalizing stage!
Одесский Илья
13,90 €
Bruttopreis Das Produkt ist in Deutschland vergriffen. Lieferung aus Russland von 2 bis 6 Wochen.
This book is devoted to the paradoxical opening 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6. By playing White immediately wants to punish the ‘disturber of the peace’ for his neglect of opening principles, but in this case Black sets his opponent such a variety of mines and traps, that he can gain an advantage, even omitting the equalizing stage!
Technische Daten
- Автор
- Одесский Илья
- Год издания
- 2008
- Переплёт
- Твёрдый переплёт
- 978-5-94693-082-6
- Издательство
- Москва Рус. шахматный дом
- Количество страниц
- 272
- Дата добавления в базу
- 2015-06-22