• Moscow Metro. Guide
    • Moscow Metro. Guide

    Moscow Metro. Guide

    The guidebook offers five itineraries focussing on the art and architecture of Moscow's most interesting stations with a brief account of their history and special features. Extensive use is made of modern and archive photographic material, as well as designs and sketches, some of which were never used. Routes 2, 4 and 5 have been expanded to include stations of general interest. An index of all...
    Tax included The product is out of stock in Germany. Delivery from Russia from 2 - 6 weeks.
    The product is out of stock in Germany. Delivery from Russia from 2 - 6 weeks.

    The guidebook offers five itineraries focussing on the art and architecture of Moscow's most interesting stations with a brief account of their history and special features. Extensive use is made of modern and archive photographic material, as well as designs and sketches, some of which were never used. Routes 2, 4 and 5 have been expanded to include stations of general interest. An index of all the stations on the Moscow Metro and a list of museums, theatres, sport centres, stadiums, railway stations, shopping facilities and parks in their vicinity make the guidebook invaluable for intrepid foreign tourists who prefer to explore for themselves. Izdanie na angliyskom yazyke.

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